Friday, May 13, 2011

Kettner Nights

Many thanks to all of you who stopped by to wish us well (and watch us paint) tonight during Kettner Nights.  We can't tell you how much it means to us to be so warmly welcomed to the neighborhood.  If we ever had any doubts, we know now that we picked the perfect location for 98 Bottles.  Little Italy North rocks!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Over Budget Diet

The GC’s budget just arrived, and the numbers do not lie,
Have to save every dime cause the budget’s WAY TOO HIGH!
Last week we dined on caviar, tonight potato stew,
Tasty treats and delicacies, we bid you all adieu.

No more salmon, chocolate moose or even a slice of cheese
Just bread and water, veggies and rice, pass the soy sauce please.
Now it’s goodbye to all protein except maybe tofu,
Sorry Arrogant Bastard Ale, PBR is replacing you. 
To quench our thirst we’ll reach for tap water from here on in,
Letting Steve drink Pellegrino would really be a sin.
So be on notice Château Rothschild you're simply out of luck,
Cause we’ve gone and done it and made the switch to two-buck chuck.

But despite it all we’re having fun and really we don’t mind,
We’ll rough it out, not take the chance our credit be declined.
And remember folks for every cloud there is a silver lining,
We know that something good will come from all this meager dining.
We’ll lose some weight and feel great too, create a brand new diet,
That’s sure to work with great results for everyone who tries it.
So delicious treats and upscale meals we’re willing to forgo,
Cause once we open we’ll make tons of cash and call it Quid pro quo.